Security consultant Ron Bowes Software code allows facebook details to be published on file-sharing websites and torrents!!

Canadian security consultant Ron Bowes of Skull Security developed a piece of software code that enabled him to harvest data on Facebook users who have not amended their privacy setting to make their information unavailable to search engines.Due to which the Ppersonal details of more than 100 million Facebook users have been made available to download from the internet via file-sharing websites and torrents.
The list was then made available for other internet users to download via sites such as Bit Torrent.
Facebook said it was investigating the methods used to collect and publish the material but added that the public had not been put at risk.
But internet watchdog Privacy International said Facebook had been given ample warning that something like this would happen. “Facebook should have anticipated this attack and put measures in place to prevent it,” Simon Davies, an official of Privacy International, said.

“It is inconceivable that a firm with hundreds of engineers couldn’t have imagined a trawl of this magnitude and there’s an argument to be heard that Facebook have acted with negligence, he said.

Facebook hit 500 million users in June this year.